Monday, December 5, 2011

Somethin's Fishy Pet Shop Inc.: $25 Gift Certificate

Our brother-in-law's gracious family owns Somethin's Fishy Pet Shop Inc, and has a wonderful selection of fresh and saltwater fish, supplies, and other interesting aquatic creatures.  Highest bidder gets a $25 gift certificate towards anything for sale in the store.  Located in Clio, Michigan, near Birch Run.  3269 W. Vienna Road, Clio, MI  48420.  810-686-4770 Hours 11-7 Mon thru Fri 9-6 Sat. 12-5 Sun.

to bid on this item:

please leave a comment on this entry including your name, location, and bid.
If Josh or Jen don't know you personally, please include your email address.


  1. $20. Sandi Jaco.....Millington MI,

  2. Thank you, Heidi! I am going to get in touch with you to make sure you get your gift certificate and the hours/location for the store, etc. We really appreciate your support.
